KMS Men's J1-J2 Team

Wednesday, January 9, 2008

KMS Cup Standings

Scroll all the way to the bottom of the page to see the individual point standing towards the KMS Cup. Coaches will try and keep an up to date posting through the season. So far it's a close race. At the end of the season we will take the top 25 races for each athlete to determine the winner. Ties will be broken by going to the next best race. Later on we will post the rules so you can see how it is scored.
Today the boys focused on some hand eye coordination. Jake Mason was the only one to get 3 strikes in a row at Bowlerama in Rutland. I think Torey walked away with the best score, 158. The weather was terrible today, pouring rain. We figured it was best to stay inside to keep from catching cold...Hopefully! Tomorrow we are going to train SL on lower Skylark. Morning sport is at 7am... Anders:)

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