KMS Men's J1-J2 Team

Tuesday, January 8, 2008

January thaw

Well we knew it was coming so here it is 50-60 degree weather. I don't like it too much that's for sure. We had Super-G training scheduled for tomorrow but it looks like the rain is going to come in strong. We'll see. We will not train SG tomorrow, we have told the boys to plan on SL. With the soft snow and no grooming tonight it would be unsafe to train at high speed in those conditions. Hopefully the rain will hold off so we can get some SL in. Today we free skied on Bear Mountain, the boys took a lot of runs making slalom turns though moguls... kinda like what they might see in a race. The focus was on making a strong pole plant and finding the flow of balance though the bumps. As the afternoon progressed more focus was directed to keeping snow contact... Hard to balance when you are in the air half the time. And then we let them ski the terrain park at the very end. We ask that everyone come to breakfast tomorrow so we can make our plans for training. We just want to see what the weather brings us. Plan on Slalom... Breakfast at 8

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