KMS Men's J1-J2 Team

Wednesday, January 2, 2008

January 2

We had a good day of GS training on Bunny. The guys were able to get a lot of runs in working on getting their timing back. The snow was real soft from the last storm but they still got a lot out of it. Tomorrow we are training SL on highline to get ready for the race this Saturday. We have a mandatory team meeting after training tomorrow we should be done by 5:30. Plan accordingly. The boys are supposed to do morning sport on their own. Warm up on the bikes then stretch and 250 core reps. Boys keep in mind that the J3s have Gym time starting at 7:30 so you have to get in the gym early so you can be finished by the time they get in. I strongly encourage you to get there early so you get your body moving before classes. Instead of rolling out of bed and being lethargic for class. If you must though use a free period. See you in the AM!

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