KMS Men's J1-J2 Team

Sunday, January 6, 2008

Waterville Valley Report

Hello From the Granite State.
Today was the first of four Entry League FIS races here at Waterville Valley. The guys raced Sl on Waterville's World Cup Hill. I can remember my father telling me about watching Alberto Tomba racing on the same hill in the 80's. The hill was in good shape, however, a little different than the steep-icy High Line that we hurried off of yesterday afternoon. The guys skied solid, getting after the rolly terrain. With a few mistakes each, there is improvement to be had, they are ready to attack tomorrow. Results for the day were Danny Moore- 31, Jim Ryan-38, and Rob Visconti- 66.
On another note, with all the Hilary, Obama, and Romney signs around, driving through town is similar to navigating a slalom course. New Hampshire's Primary is Tuesday and you can feel the tension building. It is all the talk wherever you go, very good for the guys to see and here. Stay tuned for Tomorrow!


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