KMS Men's J1-J2 Team

Monday, December 22, 2008

Attitash Day 3 & 4

Hi All,

Sorry I didn't post last night, but I was dead tired so I went to bed!

I'll start by saying that we're NOT racing today. The forecast was for 12-20" more snow and windchill of -17. Due to this the team captains made the decision to postpone the race & hold it at a later date(probably attched to another FIS devo series elsewhere).

Yesterday was one of the silliest ski races I've ever seen by the time the 2nd run was over!!!

The day started out well, but by the start of 1st run snow was coming down VERY hard.
1st run went off ok, it was then decided to group slip & run the same course again rather than re set. In my opinion this was a VERY smart decision as we would not have gotten a 2nd run off with a re-set! Immediatelly after the start of 2nd run a big square HOLE developed on the top pitch. NOBODY was able to avoid it and you could not see it! We finished out the run, but as the hole continued to develop it became increasingly hard to seriously try and move up the field. I think the results by Jim, Rob & Danny were fantastic when you look at their 2nd run times. The fact that Danny put his 2nd time down from the back 10% of the field was SUPER, my course report to him was to slide/stivot as slow as needed above the hole, get over it somehow & then continue thru the fresh powder the rest of the way! Seriously! Jimmy hit the hole, went mildly airborne and shinned the next GS panel to get back on line, his time is VERY impressive!

Below are all the results, please realize there was little or NO human error involved in the DNF's today!

Jim - 5th (2nd fastest 2nd run!!!!!!!)
Rob - 21st (from bib 68 & with a good 2nd run time!)
Danny - 55th (GREAT 2nd run after some issues on the 1st, I would not ski his 2nd course for $1000...seriously!)

Chad - DNS/2 shoulder wasn't feeling good yesterday.
Mark - DNF Tyrolia heel piece is now in two pieces! I saw it, would have finished, binding exploded!
Mike - Great 1st run, hit the hole, binding on 19 came off immediately.
Shane - Hit the hole
Tim - Hit the hole

We'll be leaving Attitash @ 10AM or shortly there after, guessing 2.5 - 4hrs back to Killington today.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Great job to all at Attitash, looks like everyone did well.
Wondering about credit for guys who went to Bromley