KMS Men's J1-J2 Team

Monday, December 1, 2008

December 1

Awesome day on the hill today. The kids skied a slalom drill course for the first 2 hrs and then we had them train a 20 gate SL until 11. The boys need some work but we are pleased with their skiing as a group. Tomorrow they will get on their GS skis for the first time this season and free ski for the afternoon. We welcome back Mike Mitchell, aka (Sasquatch) and our newest team member Will Jaye.
Last night we received a nice coating of snow and ice. The boys grabbed shovels and shoveled off the deck by the gym. Thanks gentlemen! And stay tuned. 5 days til race day!!!!


Anonymous said...

Hi All
We're with you all in spirit -- and will be there this weekend to see the race on Bunny.
The Bussolini Family

Anonymous said...

Still love the blog, Parker, and check it regularly. Please keep updating often. Good luck to everyone this weekend, wish we could be there!

The Griffen Family