KMS Men's J1-J2 Team

Tuesday, December 23, 2008

KMS Cup Standings

YEAH BOYS!!!! Way to go at Bromley Congrats to Tyler Flinn walking away with the W ! Beers you should be able to beat that guy. :) Way to go all you guys!!!!! Here are the current KMS cup standings.

Rank Points Name
1 280 Rob Visconti
2 278 Chad Naro
3 204 Tyler Flinn
4 192 Jim Ryan
5 165 Shane hedlund
5 165 Mark Grundy
7 150 Kip Spangler
8 142 Sam Bateman
9 120 Matt Beers
10 115 Anders Sigourney
11 111 Dylan Malone
12 84 Sam Scheu
13 80 Will Jaye
14 56 Zach Stockman
15 50 Mike Mitchell
16 47 Charles Griffen
17 40 Danny Moore
18 20 Brendan Bucksbaum
19 18 Nick Severini
20 14 Tim Spangler

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