KMS Men's J1-J2 Team

Monday, January 24, 2011

Canada Part 2...

The boys had their first of two Gs's today, and Kyle skied great! He cut his bib in half first run, moving from 42 to 21st. He finished the day in 19th, good for a 67 result. Dan showed improvement in his GS and almost made flip for second run, finishing 34th from bib 54. Unfortunately his day was cut short by a pothole that kicked his ski off second run, but he was able to land on his feet, nice athleticism! The boys are showing that they are ready to ski with the men on a hill that is very steep with an abundance of side hill fall-aways.

After tomorrow's race we begin the long journey back to Killington, which will take two days. Check for results for the race at under Georgian Peaks, ON.

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