KMS Men's J1-J2 Team

Sunday, January 23, 2011

O' Canada!

Greetings from Collingwood, Ontario. Only 100 miles NW of Toronto, the small peaks here lie at the shoreline of Lake Huron. We have a four race series here with four of our J-2 guys: Kyle Burcin, Mike Ferri, Dan Martin, and Cameron Price. So far the slaloms are in the books, and we have two days of GS coming up.
Burcin skied well both days and impressed today especially. He moved from Bib 45 to finish 26th and scored a 73, his personal best. Dan Martin made some great adjustments today and scored his personal best as well, an 80 point race.

It should be noted there was a previous Canadian trip. On Jan. 13-14 Jake Jacobs, Dylan Malone, and Kip Spangler had a short but sweet series of two slaloms in Bromont, Quebec. Jake moved up from bib 33 to finish 7th on day one, and Dylan skied into 7th on day 2, scoring a 55 point result in the process. Jake also had a personal best 65 as well.

See you after the GS!

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