KMS Men's J1-J2 Team

Sunday, January 30, 2011

Speed Week Day 1

Well here we go again, back at sugarloaf for speed week. The schedule for tomorrow is as follows
7:00 Registration in the Comp Center
8:00 lifts open for athletes- DRC long side to Kangaroo
8:10-9:15 for warm-up from Kangaroo down
9:30-10 inspection window at the top
10:30 coaches in place
10:55 forerunners
11 womens run
11:50 mens run

With the soft surface there is a fairly complicated slipping schedule for the day. Anyone who does not show their bib to slip in their prescribed window will be dq'ed from the race

There is to be no freeskiing anywhere on the mountain on DH skis

Parker says hello

Team meeting in room 323 at 7pm tonight.

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