KMS Men's J1-J2 Team

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Vermont Cups at Smuggler's Notch

Over the weekend the boys had a very successful two days of Vermont Cup action at Smuggler's Notch, easily the most difficult hill the VC has to offer every year. I like to consider it the "kitzbuhel" of USSA racing. The hill twists and turns at the top and then breaks over a long and very steep pitch which carries racers onto the bottom flat with rolling terrain all the way down.

SL was on Saturday, with minimal results, but a lot of gains were made nonetheless. Only two KMS finishers, Ansel Dickey and Brendan Bucksbaum, who hiked first run. Ansel finished 18th from a late start position and Bucks threw down a second run that was one of his best ever in SL.

In Sunday's GS, the boys had a really good day on one beast of a track. The steep and winding trail made for bumpy conditions in the track, which the guys handled effortlessly. Jack Salisbury finished 18th, scoring himself a 94 USSA result, down from 154, a nice result. Tyler Guth and Kenny Mcneill finished 21st and 22nd, both scoring right around 100. This is a significant drop in points for both of them as well. Ansel had another good day. He finished 32nd and scored himself a 135, chopping more than 100 points off his current profile.

Bucks had another bittersweet day, after bumping his chin with his knee 2nd run and putting himself out of contention. His first run was more than impressive, as he moved from a start position in the late 30's into 15th place, right in the mix with 70 point skiers and a few NCAA skiers. No results for Bucks, but it was a monumental weekend for him anyway!

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