KMS Men's J1-J2 Team

Sunday, January 9, 2011

Exciting weekend of racing in Vermont. The USSA group traveled to Smuggler's Notch for Vermont Excellence Weekend. They were greeted with cold temps and good surface conditions. On Sunday, the Middlebury team showed up and many of the guys took advantage of a great penalty. Jack Salisbury led the charge in 18th, Tyler Guth, who has been skiing strong giant slalom, in 21st, followed closely by Kenny Mcneill in 22nd.

Meanwhile, up at Sugarbush the boys faced some strong winds and blowing snow and a bit softer conditions for their Devo GS. Cam Price picked up the new year where he left off, just outside the top 10 in 11th, while Kyle Burcin, after a rough first run, stepped up, to put in a solid 24th place finish. Daniel Scherding, nursing a sore back, had another day of scoring moving from the 70's to 38th. And Andrew Kimbell with a nice race for himself,no longer a 990, starting 137 moved into the 50's.

Nice work Guys!

Racing at Mt. Ellen again tomorrow, then up North for the first sg's of the season.


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