KMS Men's J1-J2 Team

Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Alaska: Monstrous Mountains at Sea Level...I Could Get Used to This

After arriving in Anchorage S
unday night and settling into our hotel there around 2 a.m. we woke up at 8 to make the one hour drive to Girdwood. The plan was to ski in the afternoon, but the power went out in the entire region for the day. We decided to drive back to Anchorage and get our grocery shopping out of the way. Long day, and the six hours of sunlight made it feel even longer. No bear sightings yet, but we could get lucky. Hopefully we are in the van if/when we do see one. Look at that hungry fella! Not to worry, that's NOT taken from a window.

Today we took two runs of GS down a steep and challenging training hill here at Alyeska Ski Area, just a couple trails over from the race hill. It was good to get on a difficult hill because the race hill has some steep and difficult sections. For the most part it is very moderate and easy. The first ten turns of the GS are what I would call "World Cup" steep. The guys are psyched to throw themselves down that face. We train 2-3 runs of SL tomorrow on the training hill.

Other than that, it's just great to be in Alaska. Beautiful land up here, and the light(when it comes out) is almost majestic this far north. The mountains here remind me of the Rockies with a little feel of the Alps. Except these mountains rise right out of the ocean. It's incredible. It's nice to catch our breath again after being down in Mammoth around 10,000 feet. Enjoy the photos, book you're heli-skiing vacations now.

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