KMS Men's J1-J2 Team

Friday, December 16, 2011

Alaskan Night SL

Tonight's race was a little bitter sweet. The highlight for the guys was Kimbell, who moved from bib 22 up to 5th place. Scored the best FIS result of his career by far, a 73. Jack Salisbury put in a strong performance moving from bib 34 to 16th and scored a 122.

That was all in terms of final results. Wyatt DNFed first run, but was skiing well. His skiing has really come along this fall and he will be back shortly.

Peter skied okay first run and was really letting rip second run when he was dealt a solid 7-2 off-suit. A gate he hit ripped out of the snow and tripped him on the next turn, flipping him backwards. In ski racing, no re-runs are granted in the case of the racer knocking out his own gate. Bummer.

James had a good first run, but straddled early on in the second run. Happens sometimes.

Dylan skied his heart out and finished the first run in 3rd, just a half second off 20 point skiers. Second run he hammered out of the gate at a furious pace, got caught up in some soft snow just before a tight hairpin and couldn't pull it out...not for lack of effort though. He gladly took a gate to the face trying to stay in it. He looked a bit like an extra from Braveheart afterwards but he's fine and pumped up for tomorrow. At least he showed his speed today. It's the fast kind.

And that's basically what we saw today. Some great results, more shortcomings, but everyone showed some serious speed and that's half the battle won. Friday's SL race is a normal daytime race and starts at 12:30 (4:30 Eastern) for the men. Second run is supposed to be at 2:30. It will be on Live Timing. Send good energy again, maybe a tad more this time!

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