KMS Men's J1-J2 Team

Monday, December 5, 2011

Bummer, we awoke to a pretty solid rainstorm this morning in Patsch, as we headed for the mountain. That could only mean one thing above 2300m..... yup, snow. The forecast was for less but we got about 8 inches of the white fluffy stuff. All was still going as planned even with the new snow.
At about 830 Stubai decided to bring 5 cats on the racing piste for one last groom. An amazing sight you definitely would not see in the US, let alone for a NJR race! Just goes to show they mean business over here.

The boys were ready to go and enjoyed seeing Austrian Power doing their warmup before taking each warmup run. Next, they would start off working on a drill, slow, precise then break into their free skiing warmup. Imagine that, not like they haven't heard that before.

Cam, Kyle and Mike were all about it. They jumped right in their warmup routine with confidence. Nice job guys!

Anyway, it's ski racing today. And when you're ready to race, you get snow. And we did. After 20 racers, with the last 3 not even making it off the first flat the race was held and eventually cancelled.

Well another learning experience here in Europe. We will try again tomorrow.


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