KMS Men's J1-J2 Team

Friday, December 16, 2011

News from Sexten. Good race today, the boys were full of high hopes with a smaller field. First run Kyle, starting 32 was a bit early on a left footer at the top of the pitch. He hiked and got it but had to started DFL for second run and threw down a nice run for himself about 4 out from the 76 position. There is always tomorrow!

Michael and Cam both had very solid first runs, Mike moving from 56 to 30 and Cam from 84 to 56. Mike learned how starting bullet was for the first time and realized that he can give more when he's in that position again. Still, all said, he ended up 27 and had a nice race for himself.

Cam, had some difficulty on the pitch, missed a pole plant, got back and straddled a hairpin. That's OK, we are making moves now just put it together.

The boys learning curve is moving in the right direction. Being in another country, surrounded by good skiers all the way to the end of the field, knowing that you need to make fewer mistakes to have a good run, isn't easy. And they have done a great job. I am getting excited for tomorrow already.


pics aren't happening with this internet!!

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