KMS Men's J1-J2 Team

Friday, December 9, 2011

Considering we received 35 cm of new snow a day ago, today wasn't too bad. As you can imagine, still extremely soft conditions and super slow and abrasive snow. The boys got back into their GS rhythm and timing after a few runs.

Piste #9 is quite flat at the top and then rolls gently over a short pitch onto another long flat. We had 21 turns of easy rhythm just focusing on timing and pressure placement. I was the first set today so we were a little more in the softer snow then I would have liked but tomorrow there will be eight lanes of GS and I am hoping to move into the middle of #9 so we can have some different terrain.

Colds temp again tonight should make the surface even better for tomorrow.

The last photo is probably what we should have been doing!


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