KMS Men's J1-J2 Team

Saturday, December 17, 2011

GS 1: Making Good Progress

Today was a better day for the guys in soft, bumpy conditions. James skied well and moved from bib 40 to 13th.

Kimbell was right behind in 14th.

Peter struggled with his control today, he had some really great turns followed by costly mistakes.

Wyatt went out on the steep pitch first run but hiked like a champ and finished. So at least he scored some points, which will help his start position once we get the racing going back east.

Jack skied well first run and threw a shoe in a hole second run. Bummer.

Dylan got spun out and missed a gate at the bottom of the pitch.

Well, tomorrow is our last day. One more GS, one more opportunity to execute. Then home for Christmas! Same schedule as today. Hopefully will be able to get a post up tomorrow, but maybe not as we are busy headed to Anchorage, taking them out to a good meal, then waking up at 3:30 a.m. to catch a flight. Wish us luck tomorrow!

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