KMS Men's J1-J2 Team

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Easten J2 FIS Finals day 1

We have the first day in the books over here at whiteface for the eastern j2 fis finals. It was sunny and warm most of the day. Props to Nysef and the events crew for getting the hill prepaired after getting over two feet of snow in the last couple days. That being said the surface was pretty soft today but with constant slipping todays sg went well for the boys.
Ben Scheu and Mike Ferri started one two after some adjustments from the womens race. They unfortunately were the victims of some poorly placed ruts from the forerunners. Both had trouble in the middle of the flat and lost considerable time. Even after their troubles they had respectable finishes in 13th and 10th. Julien skied well and had a good run and was able to put a good time on the board, finishing in 8th and 3rd for 2's. Andrew also had some trouble in the middle but was able to hold for 28th. And with very little time on sg skis this year kippy skied into 47th. unfortunately Dylan had trouble on the top and didn't finish.
Tomorrow we are going to be racing the super combined with one run of sg and one run of sl. Hopefully the weather cooperates and we can get in a quality race. Ben and mike got better draws for tomorrows sg half of the race and I am expecting everyone to ski well and come through the SL with some good results.
Let's hope the rain holds off until after we get off the hill.
Sent from my Verizon Wireless BlackBerry

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