KMS Men's J1-J2 Team

Sunday, March 20, 2011

Men's devolopment slalom first run

We have been graced with some very good snow here at station for the first day of a four day deck FIS series. We drove down this morning after a good tune up session yesterday.
Dylan and Kyle skied well and made it down in 18th and 15th. Mike ferri is currently in 31st after one dq and hoping for one more to be able to start first in the second run. He skied well and already cut his.bin in half. Pete spangled did a great job skiing from bin 93 up in to 49th. Ben is in 53rd and Julian moved up.from 111 in to 61st. David schindler moved from 84th up into 67th. Jack moved up from bin 137 in to 87th. Right now we are just waiting to see what happens with dq's. Now up.for.inspection and a 12:45 second run.

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