KMS Men's J1-J2 Team

Thursday, March 10, 2011

J2 Eastern FIS Finals Day 2

Today were able to pull off a race that most thought to be impossible. With a bit of snow last night and morning showers the surface was extremely soft. Through the day the rain came and went, but the heavy stuff mostly held off until we were off the hill.
First we ran the mens and womens SG portion of the Super Combined. After the womens race the course was adjusted a bit for the men, but not nearly as much as yesterdays course. The snow was again very soft for the mens race and as a result the conditions varied wildly from gate to gate. Some turns were fairly smooth while others had been scraped down to some fairly hard snow. Mike Ferri was able to capitolize on a good start position and came down into 13th on the run. Ben and Andrew had trouble with the soft snow and were unable to make it down into the flip 30 for the SL part of the combined, finishing 35th and 37th on the run. Julian and Dylan also had trouble with the snow, Dylan nearly fell in a corridor coming onto the flats, and Julian did tip over but was able to stand up and make the next gate.
In the Sl run this afternoon the boys skied better despite not having optimal start positions. With out any salt on the course during the rainy afternoon the course deteriorated extremly quickly, but the vigilance of the slippers helped to keep the ruts at bay through the 71 men who finished the SG. Mike Ferri came down and skied very well to finish 9th overall, 8th on the run and 5th for J2's. Dylan also skied very well, skiing into 10th on the run after starting 46thin the SG. also Andrew held on for 22nd overall. Ben and Kip had trouble on the run and had to hike to finish.
Looking forward to tomorrow we are welcoming Daniel Scherding and Kenny McNeil who are coming over for the Tech races. The forecast for tomorrow is a bit daunting with high temps and more rain expected through the day, but we are going to try and run the mens GS.

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