KMS Men's J1-J2 Team

Friday, March 11, 2011

Whiteface Mens GS

In the end we ended up with a great race today. The snow mostly stayed hard through both runs and did not break away as badly as it often does in spring races on salted snow. We also managed not to get rained on too badly.
In the second run we had three guys in the flip. Andrew Kimbell had a wild ride to get down after finishing 24th first run. He was 12th on the run and 19th overall, 6th for J2's. Mike Ferri finished 28th first run and came down with the 14th fasted second run, moving himself up into 21st and 7th for J2's. Dylan was able to put down another good run, moving from from 10th after first run up into 7th overall. His second run was 5th fastest, just over .2 behind the run winner. Kip was our next finisher, after some trouble first run he skied well and moved back up to 30th. Ben had a little trouble coming onto Drapers drop in the second run, but held on for 44th overall. Daniel and Julian Scherding finished 49th and 63rd respectively, both improving on their bibs. Kenny McNeil also moved up, despite having an infection in his hand he moved from bib 86 up into 71st overall.
The boys did a great job of staying positive today despite the weather and deteriorating snow conditions. It was further reinforcment of how important it is to ski fast first run and make it into the flip, especially in soft spring conditions. The guys are looking forward to some bowling tonight and a day off tomorrow. We are planning to go up and freeski on SL skis a bit in the afternoon, but it should be a fairly low key day. Looking forward to sleeping in and giving the guys a change to get some homework done.

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